Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Light of all Nations: The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

Thus says the LORD, "You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you the light of the nations, to carry my salvation to the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 49:6)

The next thing that comes after joy is light.  The mysteries of light expresses that the joy that we have in our hearts must shine for the world to see.  The joy must be shared and be a guiding light to the world and a glory for God the Father.

It was in October 13, 2003 when the late pope, Blessed John Paul the Great, in his apostolic exhortation, Rosarium Virginis Mariae (The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary), introduced the new set of mysteries which he calls as Mysteria Lucis (mysteries of light).  This set of mysteries focuses on the main events in Chris'ts public life.  They were called as mysteries of light since the life on Jesus is primarily a "Mystery of Light". He says: "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life" (John 8:12)  This new set provides a bridge for the mysteries of his coming and of his passion. 

The new set of mysteries is assigned every Thursday especially for those who pray the rosary once a day. But, it can be prayed on any day of the week and also recommended as a preparation before Gospel meditations and before the celebration of the Eucharist since this set of mysteries focuses on Jesus' preaching of the Word and as himself as the Bread of Life.

The first mystery is the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the river Jordan (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:29-33).  It happened eighteen years after the loss and the finding of Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem.  So, both Jesus and John the Baptist were about thirty years old.  Jesus is known to be a carpenter from Nazareth and John as a nazirite, that is a consecrated Israelite from birth.   John gained popularity among the people as the Messiah but John dismissed thje idea and instead points out to the "one who is greater than him and is coming soon."  John was preaching about the coming of the Messiah when Jesus came to him to be baptized.  He protested since he according to John, he should be the one to baptize him.  But Jesus urged John to do it since it is according to the plan of God.  When Jesus was baptized, the heavens was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove and the voice of the Father proclaimed Jesus as his beloved Son and where his favor rests.

In this mystery of light, the Father proclaimed to the world that Jesus is his Son.   And he also revealed in a special way the mystery of one God in three persons, the Father (the Voice), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit (the Dove).   He revealed it at the inauguration of Jesus' ministry so as to show that the time has come for his light to be revealed on earth.

Let us pray to Jesus in this mystery to bless the Gentiles and those who are not yet baptized that they may be lead into the light of Christ.  Let us also ask Mary's intercession for us that we may be faithful to our baptismal promises.

The second luminous mystery is the Self-manifestation of Jesus in the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11).  When he together with Mary and some of his first disciples attended the wedding, the wine runs out.  Being a relative of perhaps the bridegroom (since it is in the Jewish custom that the groom's family prepares for the feast), Mary noticed the problem.  She approached Jesus whom she believes can do all things.  Jesus replied that it is not yet the time.  But Mary said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."  Jesus asked the servants to fill the six ceremonial jars used for ritual washing with water and to serve it to the feast.  And the steward (the person in charge for the party) saw the water is now wine yet he doesn't know that it was Jesus who did it.  The bridegroom's family was even praised for serving the best wine until the last.

Why is this miracle holding a special place in the rosary.  First, because it is Jesus' first miracle.  Jesus hesitated to do it.  Perhaps he wanted to begin performing miracles during his public ministry. But through the special intercession of his mother, he did it.  So secondly, this miracle is special because it shows the special role Mary performs in the history of salvation.  She becomes an instrument by which God's light is revealed to the world.  Third, because this miracle opened the eyes of Jesus' disciples and they believed in him.

Let us ask Jesus to bless our celebrations and the special occasions in our lives.  May we see Jesus celebrating with us.  May these celebrations lead us closer to one another together with him.  We ask Mary to grant us the grace of patience and persistence as we await the right time for God to answer our prayers. 

The third luminous mystery is the Jesus' proclamation of the coming of the kingdom of God and his call to conversion (Matthew 4:12-25, Mark 1:14-39).  This episode happened after John's arrest.  When the precursor or the one assigned to prepare the way for Christ was not in public, Jesus started to preach the kingdom.  He began in Galilee, where a large number of Gentiles and non-pious Jews lived. He calls his disciples and his disciples left everything and followed him.  The main topics of his sermons are the coming of God's reign, the need to reform lives and to believe in the Good News of Salvation. What is this Good News?  That is God loves the world so much that he sent his Son to save it and grant them eternal life.  The Pharisees, scribes and other learned men in his time failed to understand Jesus' message since they were pre-occupied with doing what the law of Moses requires.  For them Jesus is a false Messiah even though they see his signs since he is not doing literally what the Law says. But for Jesus, the Law is indeed important but what is more important is the love of God and neighbor which is its essence.  Jesus therefore says that the sinners will go ahead of the learned men since they repent their sins and followed Christ unlike the latter ones.

Let us ask Jesus to bless those who are sinners especially the stubborn ones that the Word of God may soften their hearts and lead then back to God.  Let us also ask Mary for the grace of the Love of God's Word.  like her, may we contemplate his word and fulfill what God requires. 

The forth mystery of light is the Transfiguration of Jesus in Mount Tabor Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36,1 Peter 1:16-18).  Because of Jesus' closeness to the poor, his continual proclamation of the Truth and him being a threat to the Romans, a group of Pharisees and scribes plotted to get rid of him. Jesus knew all this so he announced the coming of his passion.  The disciples failed to understand this.  They do not understand why he should suffer.  So, Jesus took the inner circle of his twelve apostles: Peter, James and John to a high mountain.  As Jesus prayed, his appearance changed.  His face shone and his garments become luminous white. Two Old Testament figures, Moses, the bearer of God's law and Elijah, a great prophet of God appeared and talked to him.  Peter after seeing this desired that this beautiful scenery not fade away but a Voice from a Shining Cloud says: This is my beloved Son. Listen to him. Jesus went back to his normal form and instructed them not to tell anyone until he rose from the dead.

The mysteries of light can perhaps be summarized into this mystery.  Jesus allows us to pray in silence as himself on the top of the mountain.  Jesus is seen as the light that gives us understanding.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses and of the word of the prophets.  Jesus allows us to contemplate himself so that we can understand more.  And after praying, we must come down and share what we have learned into our ordinary duties.

Let us ask Jesus in this mystery to bless the skeptics, those who do not believe in his Church,  in him and in God that they may be lead into the light of Truth.  Let us ask Mary's intercession to allow us to contemplate Christ's face in concentration and with open hearts.

The last mystery of light is the Institution of the Eucharist (Matthew 26: 16-18, Mark 14:11-13, Luke 22:6-8).  Jesus knew that the time has come for him to leave this world and return to the Father. He also knew that Judas, his treasurer is now one with the chief priests and Pharisees in their plot against him, Peter will deny him and other disciples will leave him.  Yet, he love them to the end.  So the night before he suffered, on the celebration of the Passover meal, he washed their feet to show them how he emptied himself and took the form of a slave in order to serve them even though they were his Master. Then, Jesus took a bread, said a blessing and broke it, gave it to his disciples and ask them to partake it for it is his Body to be offered for their salvation.  Jesus also took a cup filled with wine, in the same way he said a blessing and gave them to his disciples in order for them to drink from one cup. Jesus said that it is his blood that will be shed for the forgiveness of sins.

Jesus celebrates the Passover meal in remembrance of the New Covenant, when God delivered Israel from their slavery to Egypt through the blood of a lamb.  Jesus made it new.  He made it as a remembrance of him who was slain and offered for the salvation of the world.  He is now the lamb of God who lead God's people out of their slavery to sin into freedom as children of God.  He is now remembered every time we celebrate the Eucharist, which is actually a memorial of his suffering, death and resurrection. Every time we receive him in Holy Communion, we participate in his salvation and we become one with him.

Let us pray in this mystery for the sanctification of priests that in their frail humanity, may they become worthy of the sacrament they proclaim each time they celebrate mass. May they become living signs of God's presence in the world.  Let us also ask Mary to grant us the grace of greater love for Jesus in the Eucharist. And that may we see in our lives the fruits God's saving work.

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