Thursday, September 29, 2011

You are My Mother

No one can be devoted to you Mama Mary unless he sees you as a real person.  Only those who experince you as their real mother here on earth can pray to you with sincere devotion.  And only he who feels that you love him can express his love joyfully.

Thank you O for as my mother, you bore in me in your womb so that I may be reborn again in the Spirit.  Thank you for as my mother, you gave birth to me so that I may see the light.  Thank you for nourishing me and taking good care of me.  I will be helpless without you.  Thank you for raising me and taking good care of me so that I may be for the glory of God, my Father.

Thank you for in the illnesses of my soul, you heal me.  Thank you for in times that I am astray, you receive my poor soul.  Thanks for being my teacher.  Thank you for your effort to make this sinner into an apostle configured to Christ.  Thank you for not giving up on me, for praying and working for the conversion of the hardened sinners who are ungrateful for the love of your Son.  Thank you for indeed, those who approach you are filled with your fruits.

I am so assailed by my enemies.  I feel so weak, sometimes I feel giving up for I find myself helpless.  Thank you for being there.  I am so unworthy to face Christ without you. Thank you for showing to me how much God loves me.  And thank you for consoling and strengthening me.

You are my Mother.  If I will be mindful of this, I will not be distressed or be fearful.  You are my real Mother. All you do is to offer me to Christ and nothing else.  In you, my vocation began.  And it is you that helps me as I submit myself to be formed for the glory of God, my Father.  Help me so that I can be his true servant of love. 

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